RIP Steve Jobs

edited 10/05/2011 @ 4:40:58 PM in Computer / Tech Help
Love him or hate him, there is no denying he transformed the PC, Music, and phone industries with the Apple IIe and Mac (the large scale use of the GUI and mouse), iPod and iTunes, and iPhone respectively. Add to that the success with iPad, the first tablet/slate to be a hit with consumers. In my opinion he leaves behind a big void in the tech sector.


  • edited 10/06/2011 @ 8:51:31 AM
    He added a lot to our lives. He was the high-tech visionary to put together the mouse and the click-on icons on the screen.
  • While I find it unfortunate that he died so young, I can't garner him with all the accolades that have been piled upon him. Take Iggy's claim for instance. Jobs did not "put together the mouse and click on icons on the screen" , in fact, he first saw such things at Xerox's PARC research facility. The true inventor of the mouse and graphical user interface was Douglas Engelbart, back in the late 60's.

    Other claims I've read the last two days is that he invented the "personal computer". WTF??? There were several personal computers out before the Apple I or II. And, even if you think of the Apple as the first "personal computer", it was Woz who did all the work developing it, Jobs was just along for the ride if you ask me.

    "Inventor of the mp3 player??" I think not. Several companies had mp3 players on the market before the Ipod came out.

    Visionary?? This is true. he saw what was already out there and saw ways to make it better. Not cheaper, not easier to obtain. And certainly not for the good of the masses. Everything Jobs ever did was to make money. Unlike Gates who gave away gobs of money, Jobs was the complete opposite. In fact, when he came back to Apple after Apple bought out NeXt, once he was back in charge of Apple he ceased all philanthropic work Apple was doing.

    Rest in peace Mr Jobs... cya soon I imagine.
  • While I agree with Geno, his company did provide the only real alternative to Microsoft's PC monopoly and was the only thing forcing that platform to improve. He was a significant figure in this industry.

    Why hasn't a cure been found for this yet? We need to wage a "war on disease". Nothing kills more Americans than cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. You guys need to take the money spent on the "war machine" and pump all of it into medicine and science.
  • edited 10/08/2011 @ 10:48:38 AM
    Post edited 10/08/2011 @ 10:48:38 AM by cyclo
  • RIP also Dennis Ritchie, creator of the C programming language -- one of the most popular programming languages of all time, and the basis for many other languages, including C++ -- and played a huge role in the development of UNIX. Died at 70 on the 12th.
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