The tragedy.


  • I agree that whatever our 'free society' does, the worst part is that guys like this can go to Big 5 and get guns and ammo to do stuff like this. I'm sure criminals can get guns anyway. But, if they weren't so available to everyone, they would be harder to find. There wouldn't be so many everywhere. Also, if we didn't have ammo manufactured so readily, one could still make his own bullets and stuff them into the casings, etc. But, it would take a lot more effort.
  • So, you will go to see that movie with your girlfriend while packing? I guess nobody was prepared for this nut job. It was dark in there. Trained or not, how would you see where to shoot? Often, friendly fire can be deadly too.

    So we need everybody to carry some kind of gun by the time they are old enough to lure some pedophile to consider his manhood. How about Penn State? These were college football players that Sandusky was able to manipulate. Should they all be carrying heat to the game, the shower?

    What about hot women? Don't they need protection? Yet you say that it's the media causing all this fear.

    IMHO Guns are mistakes waiting to happen. If they get into hands of stupid, young kids, nut jobs, or angry people who want V for Vendetta, well you know...
  • Even if someone inside that theater was packing a gun I don't think he would have stood a chance vs this Joker nutjob... apparently the guy was wearing body armor. Engaging in a shootout in a dark, smoky environment with a psycho, who had prepared for this occasion a thousand times in his head before the actual event, will most likely just cause even more unintended casualties.
  • edited 07/23/2012 @ 7:38:58 AM
    I guess it depends on what's showing on the screen at the time. I often come in looking for a seat after it's all started and can't see anything until the brighter screen lights up. If the shooter were standing in the doorway with the outside daylight behind him, there'd be a chance. This was the midnight showing. But, I'm sure this guy had thought of all these possibilities. He was just mowing them down as fast as he could. I don't think anyone would have time to assess the situation to make any difference.

    I don't think you can prevent this kind of situation by carrying a 45 everywhere you go from now on. You're right about the car accident being more likely. It does become paranoia if you're trying to anticipate every thing that can happen and preparing to shoot. The gun sits in the safe waiting to be broken into by the curious kid.
  • I thought it was pretty cool that Christian Bale went to the hospital and visited the victims and their families. Don't see many actors/actresses doing stuff like that.
  • edited 07/29/2012 @ 11:25:20 AM
    Yeah, he might have been sent to do some damage control to the movie and the studio. This could have affected ticket sales.

    I guess we will have to(surprise surprise) consider it a positive affect if the population reacts to this event by buying more guns and have more concealed weapons permits. I wonder how many criminals are really watching the general public packing statistics and considering going back to flipping burgers. Maybe all those meth users will just stop using because so many people are packing these days.

    I've heard that less than 50% of the US population has a gun. The criminal is also pretty desperate if he's considering armed robbery.
    If the number of guns doubled, would he stop being desperate and figure out another way to get the fix? That 50% covers the criminals with guns too. So, how many non-criminals are carrying? Do we have those statistics? Are they accurate? How does anyone know who has a gun at home?

    The other thing is that once you realise that you are in a robbery, the criminal has the drop on you. If you're packing, he gets another gun - thank you very much. How do you get your gun out before he pulls his out? You'd have to have a derringer hidden in your sleeve with a spring mechanism that would get it into your hand when you need it.

    I don't think you have the correct logic applied to realistic situations that will happen in the criminal world. I wonder how cops feel about the gun-carrying general public. Are there more intelligent people out there who can assess a situation correctly, reach for their gun, and fire before the criminal gets his way, or are there more fearful idiots who now are carrying lethal weapons into the field?

    I don't think most people have the training or the interest in protecting society from nutjobs like the Joker. It seems that 50% of the public have decided they don't need to carry that gun.

    My solution is to stop making smokeless, military grade, gunpowder. Let the military make their own powder for the machine guns. Let the general public who want the guns for hunting, use smoky powder - which will require cleaning (with a swab of alcohol or oil) to keep the barrel clean. The assault gun mechanisms would gum up very quickly if the only bullets one could buy were of the smoky variety.
  • I foresee metal detectors at theaters
  • I don't know how long movie theaters will stay in business. We go see movies in the daytime. Matinees are cheaper. Most of the matinees are empty. Working people can't go. The main time the theaters are full is after dinner. This is for the dates to have something to do. I'm not sure they can keep the movies running all day with nobody watching and only have one full house every evening and make enough money to stay in business.

    I think the free market is deciding.

    Hulu, Netflix, Amazon make it easy to see a first-run movie without worrying about the Joker. The popcorn is getting fake butter for $8 a bucket. How will they survive keeping those large theaters open?
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