guns - easy to obtain



  • The same argument holds for the other unintended consequences - like the crazy shooters that we have out here. We seem to have more than other countries do.

    I do like some of the "freedoms" that we have - compared to Russia or China.

    We have the freedoms to voice our opposition to policies we don't approve of. I don't think one could voice those oppositions in Russia or China. I don't think they have nearly as many guns in their societies. The government has kept the guns out of the hands of the population. I'm not sure if more guns throughout the population would advance their cause of freedom.

    It's still the very powerful military that is in control - just like here. Whatever pistols (or assault rifles) held by the people wouldn't make much of a difference if the government decided there's too much revolutionary thinking and the military takes control.

    I really believe that having a personal gun is a "freedom" (fake one IMHO) that gives us an insurance policy that the government won't be able to get us. Also the same insurance is there so that 'bad guy' criminal won't be able to shoot me when he wants. I do think that our population has been convinced that the criminals are all walking around with their assault rifles looking for someone to rob or murder for the fun of it. This kind of thinking would certainly make one want to have some form of retaliation. I just find that worrying about these very rare occasions keeps me from living my life. I prefer to avoid the problem instead of being prepared for the problem. The boy scouts carry a lot of unnecessary stuff around with them every day.

    We've been here before and it seems like we aren't really saying anything new.

  • Aren't Canadians also in America? The whole point that our country is the most violent explains why we all are carrying heat. If we were like other countries - not so predisposed to violent way of solving our problems - we wouldn't have so many gun deaths. It's still like 11 thousand every year. I still feel that less guns in the hands of the public would get us less deaths. Yeah cars do cause a buch of deaths too. The DUI's affect that number. MADD has definitely affected that number by keeping the DUI's off the road a lot. The same could happen with drunks with guns.
  • Wasn't there someone who would give 5 million bucks to see Obama's birth certificate? Who cares where someone was born?
  • That's right! It was Trump. He was comparing his privileged life to the lives of others. I don't care what document is written about who is a citizen.

    This world is made up of equal people who are all trying to survive on this planet.

    We can have Supreme Courts decide about whether something written 200 years ago was relevant or constitutional. But, the line that decides where a border of a Country lies is based on wars and political purchases. How does that define what or who a person is? Since we live here, we are citizens of this government and we can participate in this governments' political bullshit.

    But, that doesn't make someone who wasn't born in this country any less a human being.

    Only people like Trump can see that difference.
    He too will die one day and his money will end up in some dumpster as it all inflates into becoming valueless.
  • I guess we only do things that are proper.

    Ever take a risk and do something that you are unsure of the outcome? Travel to some far-off country? Ask a babe out?

    Even though there is a proper way to change the Constitution using the aforementioned method, there are other ways to get what you want. Lobbying members of Congress, stacking the Supreme Court with members having your point of view. All the requirements are written in there. But, the operation of the government can be steered by changing a few laws - like giving a Corporation the rights of personhood or declaring that money is the same as free speech. Those laws are pretty new. They weren't written in the Constitution.
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