Here ya go iggy.


  • I took a look at Amazon. I do have the Amazon Prime account. It turns out that the free 2-day shipping is worth it for the people who live in the boonies and can't
    just drive to the brick and mortar store for the new book or stapler - their prices are sometimes lower than Newegg for computer parts.
    The selection of streaming movies or TV shows is quite limited. I haven't found anything I want to watch from Amazon yet.

    I'm still remembering the Assange issue. Amazon is apparently listening to what the government tells it to do. Since I'm still pro-Obama, I'm not letting this interfere
    with my Amazon account. But, I don't like the government using pressure on Amazon to cover up it's secrets. What about transparency in government?

    It all has to be included in where I watch my TV and movies from. I can make some kind of weird statement with my viewing dollars I think. Is freedom wonderful or what?
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