How many 5 year olds could you take in a fight?



  • I'd tell them a story about muscles and what they can do - comparing mine with theirs. When they grow a bit, I might have to get some
    boxing gloves for them. Right now, whether they are set to kill or not doesn't matter. I could leave them in the hot car if
    they give me trouble.

  • "You could take on 29 five year old kids in a fight."

    I find that hard to believe, I was thinking more in the hundreds as I grabbed them one handed by the neck and flung them against the nearest wall. I guess there is the tire factor, even with 5 year olds you're going to run out of energy eventually.
  • I'd run outside into the rain. These kids were manufactured in your brain. That's where I'd go to take the Mountain Dew off the truck. I don't really get what some particular number would tell you.
    If I can't have any discussion, I'm outta the auditorium. I don't have an opinion on John Cena. Is he in cahoots with The Undertaker? How do 5 year olds even have a hero? I think they would be more into
    peanut butter and jam. I've never met a 5 year old with an anger problem that would drive him to your described attitude.
  • According to the official score, I could whip 27.
  • I would only get into a fight if I was convinced there would be something to be gained for me. OK, maybe from the liberal point of view, something to be gained for someone.
    Or, from the conservative point of view, something to be gained for my bank account. So, these 5 year old kids don't have much money, they can't shoot a hoop, kick a field goal, throw a
    punch, even make it into the hole while playing marbles, let alone vote, or buy a drink or a doobie, play a tune, run a marathon, raise a flag, even give a toast. These guys either got to wait
    until they're 16 or start lifting weights and show up when they can show me something in the strength department. Otherwise, I'm just not responding to the treat.
  • edited 03/27/2011 @ 9:43:09 AM
    Post edited 03/27/2011 @ 9:43:09 AM by Knuckledragger
  • I still don't see the fun in pounding these kids into the wall. It just doesn't get me going in any direction.
    I've stopped smoking a few years ago. I just don't seem to get the silly jokes of the past. I'm prolly just too serious.
  • Well, I'm not pretending to be expert, but my initial inclination was not that this question was seeking to uncover any latent desire to go out and hunt down 5 year olds, for sport. But rather just a parody of the tv Show "are you as smart as a 5 year old?" or some such. making me think of this from a "lord of the flies" perspective. to wit, "OK I find myself being mercilessly attacked by this group of children, what's my (personal) limitation as to how many I can successfully defend against?"

    Maybe you see a different side of life living out there in paradise, but I see more obnoxious runts who are out just trying to inflict their existence against the common peace, than I'd like to. They seem to understand that the law is protecting them from the discipline they often deserve (the parents don't seem inclined to do it, so perhaps somebody should)
  • Maybe it is just life in paradise. But, I just don't seem to be exposed to that irritating side of life. I do occasionally see little kids getting frustrated in Costco screaming and wailing
    because they can't have another Polish dog. It's usually an over-tired, under-appreciated kid who needs a nap. Mom has too much to do today - the kid puts the brakes on this situation because he just doesn't have the stamina she gets from '5 hour energy."

    I'm sure there are spoiled kids who get whatever they ask for. So, they learn to demand to be driven to school by limosine. The parents eventually get divorced and the problem becomes
    one for the Court. I just don't participate in regular family life problems that were fairly constant for me some years back. Since my kids are near adult-age now, they generally do what they say they will
    and I can count on the homework being done before the video game begins. Straight A's are a convincing argument that he knows what he's doing.

    I get the picture Knuckle. All I can say is I'm sorry you are still irritated by the whining kids. The City has it's problems of finding a parking place and road-rage. I could use a few more events in my daily life - even though we've had quite a few visits recently and now I'm looking forward to some quiet time. It is nice to have quiet as the norm. I'm watching a duck sit on 5 eggs waiting for some ducklings to appear. I have to keep the dog from getting too interested. I know he'd eat the eggs if he could get to them. Even the 5 year olds will get older quickly. It's all a flash in the pan.
  • This isn't exactly 5 year olds. But, I understand and agree wholeheartedly. I'm must be living in a different part of the world. I just don't run into that kind of shit.
    I am quite a way from public paths or parks. They seem to be OK in Yosemite Park when I go hiking in that area. Anyway, if they act like that, I'd support hammering them back and talking about it.
  • I think you are finding your position in the pecking order. I protect some of the animals out here when some big bear starts showing up. We've let stray cats in.
    We've kept the dog from chasing the ducks in the stream, etc. If I can keep the peace, I'll do what is necessary. I'm still not very friendly with the local racoons or skunks.
    But, I know they are coming closer to check us out. We might grow a few plants outside the fence to give them a bite. It's fun to be of use to others - even if they are just large rodents.
    I like to keep the fauna from running away. We leave watering holes and feeding trays for the deer. It makes me less of a bad guy.
  • Raccoons are amazingly friendly. I had one sneak up behind me while I was sitting out on the steps at the riverbank behind my house, evidently he had been watching me hand feed the geese, and he wanted some. So, I'm sitting there all peacefull, and I feel this putter-pawing on my kidney, didn't know if I was having a muscle spasm, or what, but i turned to look, and was scared out of my senses when i saw those masked eyes looking back at me.

    He was just as friendly as could be. And I got used to him after the first few times he came to me.

    But those things have crazy scary claws, and I'd hold a piece of bread out for him, and he'd wrap one paw around my fingers as he was taking the bread in his mouth. I'd look at those claws and just imagine what he could do with them if he was mad.
  • Give me a break, OK? You WEREN't there, and still you want to try and preside as some kind of judge over my actions... does 6" mean any more than 6 feet to someone who was a thousand miles away at the time?

    If I am sitting on a picnic table with geese gathered ALL AROUND me within a 20' circle, and some jackass detours 50 feet out of his way to come running by screaming at the birds and flailing his arms at them, and then give me a dirty fucking smirk after he's done, then THAT's deliberate and i could care less whether you agree with me or not.
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