Do you think Osama is really dead?

edited 05/02/2011 @ 5:56:30 PM in General Discussion
They got rid of the body pretty quickly. I wonder if he'll just become the saint they were looking for.

I don't know if they need a clever leader or just somewhere to have a boy scout meeting. I think there's not that much to do out there in the desert or the mountains. You grow opium and sell it to the warlords because that's what brings the most money.

What are the other choices? No school, TV, or fast cars. So, you do what gives you some kind of pleasure - jihad against those who do have schools, TV, and fast cars. Hell, even suicide bombing gets you something for the family.


  • edited 05/02/2011 @ 6:33:51 PM
  • "For God so loved the world..."
  • edited 05/03/2011 @ 8:15:29 PM
  • A young Arab asks his father, "What is that weird hat you are wearing?"

    The father said, "Why, it's a 'chechia' because in the desert it
    protects our heads from the sun."

    "And what is this type of clothing that you are wearing?" asked the young man.

    "It's a 'djbellah' because in the desert it is very hot and it
    protects the body." said the father.

    The son asked, "And what about those ugly shoes on your feet?

    His father replied, "These are 'babouches", which keep us from burning
    our feet in the desert."

    "Tell me," added the boy.

    "Yes, my son?"

    "Why are you living in Woodridge, Illinois and still wearing all this shit?"
  • edited 05/06/2011 @ 5:16:40 AM
    Post edited 05/06/2011 @ 5:16:40 AM by Knuckledragger
  • edited 05/06/2011 @ 3:31:24 PM
    I, being the spokesman for the grammar police, say: You are free to re-edit your prose into any grammatically incorrect form you feel will make your point more effectively. I will meanwhile try to keep using the English language that the Catholic nuns taught me and correct mistakes as I find them. You are also free to correct me. I am still a human being and do make mistakes.

    Now, as for the guilt issue. I do wonder how Timothy McVeigh did his number on America without feeling any guilt or remorse. I do feel that we apply different values to different groups when it comes to following orders or feeling guilt. The Nazis were just following orders - so, it was OK when they killed the Jews - they were just cleaning Europe of those unclean, non-Arian, racial curmudgeons. The Navy SEALS of today were just following orders - so it was OK to murder the leader of El Qaida - because they are our enemy in this undeclared war. I guess it's alright to murder those who are not following the correct political or religious point of view.

    I guess it doesn't matter to me what those SEALS are feeling. I'll be meeting them in the street when they come home after a number of tours of duty. They are considered heroes today. They might have to adjust their approach when they come home and have to get a job among the citizens.

    So, since America has changed into something other than the country which was worth dying for, it doesn't matter whether the SEALS feel any guilt or not.

    I think I understand what you mean. Do I?
  • Do you think Osama is really dead?]

    Frankly, I don't care one way or the other.
  • I think that he's probably living on a luxurious ranch in the Northern Alberta wilderness, clipping dividend coupons from his Seagrams stock and selling falsified Canadian ID to his Muslim soldier buds, to get them qualified for free Canadian healthcare
  • ROFL!!! :)

    People like Osama Bin Laden often have body doubles. They probably think they've found him or got him, but it likely wasn't him. Just a stand-in/phony. If it really was him, they would have captured him alive (if possible) or killed him, but revealed him to the world as being deceased.

    Hiding his body is very suspicious. Again, it might be Islamic tradition, but this is an exception to the rule. Why leave yourself open to criticism and second guessing?
  • Wasn't there an episode of the X-Files where a CIA agent claimed that the agency had invented Sadam Husein from a stand-up comic from a Texas Roadhouse
  • How about female geeks?
  • @TechGuy

    I'm meeting somebody next Saturday
  • I don't think there are any formulas for what happens between people. Geeks, nerds, and all the other labels we put on people, notwithstanding.

    I wish you well domat00. We all would like to find friends and be happier. If one decides it can't happen by definition, it gets tougher.
    What makes geeks not have emotional needs? Life is more than just news, weather and sports.

    Women - a subject we men in this forum don't tackle very much - are an important part of the human equation. I'd like it a lot more if we had some women out here to add that other point of view to our discussions.
  • edited 06/20/2011 @ 5:13:22 AM
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