Single Rail vs Multi-Rail

edited 08/25/2011 @ 6:52:35 AM in Computer / Tech Talk
I just read an article today discussing the ups and downs of both single rail, or multi-rail psu's. I've never really put much thought into it, but after reading a little about the differences, I'm leaning more towards being a single rail kind of guy. It's one less thing to micro manage, and I know I have all the power I need when I need it.

Thoughts if any? Or is it just "eh, who cares?"


  • If you have more rails, you have more isolation between them. You have a separate voltage regulator and separate wire from the power supply. It is convenient if you have some items that eat a lot of power like SLI-ed GPUs. Your hard drives and CPU won't be as affected if they get their voltage from a line that isn't connected to the GPUs. A single rail parallels the voltage regulators onto one thick wire. It doesn't seem like such a big difference unless you are doing something unusual.
  • Single rails are better, for all the reasons you read. I always get a single rail.
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