Games or Apps?

edited 12/20/2011 @ 7:38:16 PM in General Discussion
Why pay $49.95 for the latest must have game for any console when you can play really cool games on Facebook for free?


  • Because! Can a free Facebook or iPhone game give you the experience, say, Super Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time can? I think you'd be hard pressed to find one that could.

    A lot of people have been saying for example that the 3DS is doomed because of the iPhone and our current age of free or darn-near-free app games like the ones on Facebook. I totally disagree with this, because the experience you get is totally different.

    I think of app games as fun time waster sort of things -- not to knock them. OTOH the $40-50 major console titles I think offer more engrossing experiences that (often) have a lot more substance.

  • I dunno, I play several games on Facebook that have a lot of "substance" as you say. What I see as the main difference is with the console games, you start it up and can play for hours until you finish or get bored and stop for the day. With the Facebook games, you only have X amount of either energy, credits, power, whatever... which allows to to play for a few minutes, then you move on to another game. Some games you play only once a day, others several times a day, and others like every 15 minutes. With an interest in say 5 to 10 games, you can switch back and forth and play nonstop for hours.

    I've been entertained by these games for several years now and can't remember the last console game I bought. Oh yeah.. Halo 3, but it's been a while. I guess I should get Halo Reach.
  • Do they have a Facebook version of Bejeweled? Man I remember when that game was ALL the rage in the early 00s.
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