

  • That's what people used prior to the advent of the whole toothpaste industry. Effective for cleaning and deodorizing, as it states on the box, however it lacks triclosan, which most toothpastes have as an antibacterial agent, and fluorides, which have been proven to harden the enamel of your teeth. Then again, most of our drinking water already contains fluoride.

    I use the tartar control Colgate paste.
  • They do or at least did make toothpaste with baking soda in it.

    I use Colgate and, more importantly, a Philips Sonicare II tooth brush.
  • Aquafresh pump and Crest "Pro Health" mouth rinse

    Here's kind of a shocker: The flavor of Crest pro health, and Eclipse gum "winterfresh" are nearly identical, so If I give my mouth a good gargle and then start popping Eclipse Winterfresh...I can keep that morning freshness going on all day
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