Not quite sure what to make of this video which is going viral...

edited 01/03/2011 @ 3:14:50 PM in General Discussion


  • edited 01/04/2011 @ 3:25:02 PM
    Me neither - I don't get what's funny here. Maybe I'm just lame. What does going viral mean?
  • edited 01/04/2011 @ 4:40:47 PM
    Well lots of sites (news) are linking to the videos... and I suspect some might already have downloaded it and editing it further to come up with an internet meme version... similar to those "Downfall" videos that went viral a few years ago.

    I have to admit though those videos took some effort especially the scene showing 3 instances of the Captain... video editor probably used rotoscoping on those scenes. I thought some parts were funny (the multi-instances of the Captain scenes) although the toilet humor were over the top.

    I am not faulting the captain and the editor 100% on this one... I suspect they might really have been trying to go down to the level of the folks they were trying to humor. I have met and mingled with folks like those... some will laugh only when presented with those types of jokes. Kind of like The Three Stooges jokes... some find them really funny, others not so much.
    Post edited 01/04/2011 @ 4:40:47 PM by cyclo
  • OK Cyclo,
    There's always something new to figure out. I'll take a closer look and see if I can find the funnier ones. I guess the toilet humor
    is one of the ways to deal with the Armed Forces frustration - with "I'm just following orders" and stuff like that.
    I did watch the 3 Stooges when I was young. But, I stopped watching after the same joke became the only one. The poking in the eyes and the
    basic physical abuse was not that funny to me. They did make a lot of people laugh over the years. So, it may be me being too serious.
    My kids are always telling me to laugh more. I guess I have a high threshold for laughter. I don't just search out and read comic collections.
  • Oh Captain, no Captain no more. Idiot.
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