Obama's State of the Union Speech



  • It's true though you know? As long as Rome continued to be self absorbed assholes believing they had the birthright to tread on anything and anyone they might encounter, they prospered.

    it was only once they started second guessing the very rightness vs wrongness of being Roman, that the fall gained momentum. I don't think that was coincidence.
  • edited 02/07/2011 @ 9:51:02 AM
    Lately, I've been thinking alot about this in my spare time.

    You hear a lot of the "big business" proponents' saber rattling bawling about how it's not the government's job to create jobs for it's citizens.

    That thinking might be right in the strict context of not creating jobs where collected taxes are paid out as wages. BUT, if the Government intends to have a source of operating revenue, they damn sure better plan on having a well employed citizenry capable of paying the taxes required to provide needed operating revenue.

    And, letting all these jobs go off shore has basically been the government catering to stockholders at the expense of middle class wage earners. It boils down to warfare against the middle class.

    Send enough of those decent, mid-range paying jobs overseas, and then who's gonna be left to pay the bills?

    they always say that you can't tax the rich sufficient to run the whole show, because if you try they will take their money and move abroad (as well they can afford to)

    So, in a post industrial america where the middle class has been whittled down to 10% of it's former self, and the wealthy have all moved abroad to avoid excess taxation, who is left to pay for the boat ride? This likely will be America's undoing.
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