
edited 12/06/2010 @ 3:18:32 PM in General Discussion
I personally am glad this happened. Just like in our free market discussion about 'no government,' it would sure be nice to have the CIA and FBI - along with all the unknown-name ones - to be more transparent to the public.

They all work for us. But, they have so many layers of secrecy, that we can never check and balance what they're doing or know why it was done.

The ambassadors don't have their bags checked before they get on an airplane. The security system we have just makes us stand in line for a few hours longer to get patted in the crotch.

Of course, no-one knows how to hide anything inside the body or avoid detection of some illegal substance with today's modern surveillance equipment. Yet, items do somehow get across different borders. What a mystery.


  • edited 11/30/2010 @ 2:53:04 PM
    Yeah, good quotes, Cng. Do I see some egg on the face of our fearless leader?
    There doesn't seem to be very much reaction from Putin or Natanyahu.
    We pretty much all know that pitter-patter happens between diplomats.
    It does make one wonder why the whole intelligence-gathering-spy-system is so important to have.
    Maybe I'm just naiive.
    But, the inner dealings between governments should be open and if some extra deals are made, they should become public as soon as they're known.
    The only "checks and balances" anyone has over these secret deal-makers is to go to the news with the secret arrangements.
    Otherwise, why have news reports? Just keep it all quiet and never tell the public anything if we so need to be kept in the dark.
  • edited 12/01/2010 @ 5:12:24 PM
    The whole episode is becoming almost surreal. Those who are supposed to be the guardians (politicians, media) of democracy are the ones threatened by this and are now on the attack. You can see the tremendous amount of pressure being applied to Wikileaks... DDOS attacks, now Amazon kicking it off their servers apparently because of political pressure from Joe Lieberman. Politicians from all stripes are attacking it... Palin, Clinton, Lieberman, etc.

    Unfortunately, just like the Abu Ghraib images leaks, after a couple of weeks people will probably forget all about it as they scramble to complete their Christmas shopping. Shopping, internet, facebook... welcome to the new opium for the people.
  • edited 12/03/2010 @ 4:19:03 AM
    Post edited 12/03/2010 @ 4:19:03 AM by cyclo
  • I guess some people have more freedom than others. This is really a kick-in-the-pants to the government. So what happens?
    A cyber attack on the site, Sweden wants the main guy for rape, could this be government conspiracy? It all may be a
    co-incidence. But, I'm sure glad this made it to the media. We kinda know that it's true when there is so much reaction.
  • If anyone thinks fighting terrorists in AfghanisPakisIranisYemisSudanistan is whack-a-mole, trying to stop the dissemination
    of information is way more whack!

    Technology makes it much easier for Wikileaks type entities to protect whistle-blowers identities than it is to contain the information
    they put out there.

    The powerful have always attempted to control communication--they have often succeeded in the short term, but the very communication technology
    they control ends up erasing their control by exposing their lies. I cannot wait to see what WL has on the Banks! Yum, yum, yummmmmmmmmmmm!

    Look around, see all those ear buds and blue tooth ear pieces? They are the future--they are nodes in a network. And the more connected we are,
    the more important it becomes that the information we share is accurate. The more connected we are the more garbage in is garbage everywhere.
    Tweet tweet tweet
  • This episode opens up a can of worms however. Let me just play devil's advocate for the sake of argument... Does all information really need to be accessible to everyone? I mean do you really want to know all the secrets a spouse or friend keeps to himself/herself? I guess this is the conundrum... there is no real right or wrong answer in my opinion but once the information is out then the debate or soul searching should begin.

    OTH a government which champions so called freedom and transparency, by appearing to combat dissemination of information especially when it is already out there as in this latest episode, risk being exposed as a fraud... again just my 2 cents. The worse the government could do right now is lump wikileaks with "the enemy" and continue subjecting them to censorship. Why not open up a debate regarding the comments made by diplomats? Does the government think the people are all morons that they could no longer figure out for themselves what is right or wrong after witnessing a debate? Is the population at large too dumbed down by watching too many reality TV shows to figure out nuances in real life? It appears many would just rather paint something as black or white instead of spend a little brain power in figuring out where they really stand on issues.
  • edited 12/03/2010 @ 5:11:11 PM
  • BTW, WTH is this thread doing in the [Computer/tech help] section?
  • edited 12/04/2010 @ 4:55:41 AM
  • When I heard "Won't Get Fooled Again" on the TV box as background for a car commercial I knew the Who had become the Whoever. They sold out to the same old boss.
    And in "My Generation" they said, "I hope I die before I get old." Keith did, but the rest didn't. Just like governments, Rock n Roll will not last forever.

    This is just as much the land of the free and home of the brave as it ever was. Same as it ever was. The trappings change, the people do not. We are and have always been, land of the easily scared and fooled.
    But that's OK, everybody else is too. Nationalism thrives, USA! USA! NO. 1! How come our "best military the world has ever seen" hasn't won a war of note since 1945? And, no, Granada does not count.

    I wonder how much the Banks are spending trying to plug the Wikileaks?
  • edited 12/04/2010 @ 11:40:42 AM
  • edited 12/04/2010 @ 11:45:45 AM
  • Look around. We are all in. Welcome to the asylum. The question is who are you? McMurphy, The Cheif, Billy, Nurse Ratchet? A guard? ........
  • I'll take voluntarily for $250, Alex.

    OH! WOW! The Daily Double!!!!

    I'll bet it all, Alex, the whole shebang!
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