So, did we lose Cng?

edited 05/16/2011 @ 5:39:54 AM in General Discussion
Wear him out perhaps? He used to contribute so much, now it seems so empty without him.


  • Yeah, it's kinda empty without Jay or carnoj etc. It's looking like everyone has something else to do. Without the magazine to keep us focused about something, it's just a group of guys blogging about politics. No yutes, women, or even old ladies. The CPU part isn't really that consistent. Hmm!

    I'd like to talk about cooling fans, CPU coolers, cases, motherboards, CPUs, GPUs, Power supplies, USB 2.0, 6Gb SATA, SSDs, and the like. I'm having trouble getting audio and video in sync when I watch Youtube movies on Ubuntu 10.10. I went back to that release because I didn't like Unity - that's the new looking desktop on Ubuntu 11.04. There's a steep learning curve to just adjust your compiz cube or find the correct way to get an OpenOffice document printed.

    Anyone else in that world?

  • I hope the MIA guys (jays, cng, carnoj, etc.) are just taking a breather...

    Regarding linux, I used it as my main desktop for almost 2 years but I hated the lack of continuity. I would get everything stable then a major release of something (distro, KDE, Gnome) screws up the stability and I would spend hours even days figuring out workarounds. I finally got fed up and went back to Windows but still run some form of Linux in a Virtual Machine... last year I completely stopped running Linux VMs. Same problem even with the VM version, every 6 or so months there would be a major release, a massive download for the update, then I have to use the command line to install VMWare tools... waste of time. Nowadays, I figured I will only run Linux if I am paid to do so at work... time is too short... would rather spend my free time riding my bike.
  • edited 05/19/2011 @ 8:55:54 AM
  • I liked being in the States in 1962. I liked traveling around the world in 1972 and having people want to try talking the English they had learned in school. It was fun meeting the students and
    the teachers in Nepal telling them about how many old cars I had, or old bikes. It was all such a dream for the ones that carried the water in a 5 gallon metal can from the river down there, up here, every day, along with the brother and the goat. It made me realize that the OS in my computer wasn't the most important issue in my life. I never got into baseball because my parents made me practice the piano so I could play that Beethoven Sonata. I don't know about now. I definitely can't get those fast parts happening any more. I can still hit most of the chords and get you to hear the harmonies that the guy was shooting for. He had a good musical mind. I don't know what Ron Santo thought about - steroids? women? the score? Beethoven did leave some music behind him. I guess Ron Santo left some numbers in a book. I suppose it's all remembered and discussed over the beer in the bar somewhere ...
  • Carl Yastrzemski batted .296 with 19 home runs in 1962, and won the league batting title the following year

    Al Kaline batted .304 with 29 home runs in 1962

  • I walked again finally, in 1962.. after 6 years of wheelchairs, braces and crutches. So I was a toddler in 1956 when I contracted polio, and a toddler again when I was 7. As I approach 57, Post Polio Syndrome seems to be intent on me being a toddler once more.
  • Having any illness is a drag. It wasn't any fun finding out that I was a type 1 diabetic back then. I was 16. All the hormonal emotions, my grandma dies and I get this disease.
    We all have something that we'd like to RMA. Too bad the design engineer is on permanent vacation.
  • It just doesn't affect me to know who or what interests someone else. Some people love dogs. That doesn't get them a special title. Some people like dolphins. Some people like one sex, one kind of car, one kind of processor, etc. I can still carry on a conversation with a convicted murderer about the weather or how tasty the TV dinner was. It just doesn't affect my marriage if gay marriage is allowed or not. Why are we so sensitive about what others are thinking or doing? It's their life and their thoughts. Now, you've got your thoughts. Them you can control - to a certain extent. I'd forgive all those in your past that have messed up some way and move on to the present. Just another point of view ...
  • When I go to pee, I don't get aroused whether there's a woman peeing in the next stall or not. I don't care what she is thinking about my chance of arousal. Your whole premise is that we ought to be aware of every thought someone might be having and somehow wall them all out of here. If
    I need to pee, I'll just pull it out and pee on the ground by some tree or plant. It can use the nitrogen from the urea. I don't care if someone sees my wang or not. I'm just not gonna take up your fear-mongering as my new anthem. If you have reasons to be angry at your baby-sitter, that's fine. I'm still not gonna worry if she was making jokes about what she might do or not. This is all 'he said she said' - while you were very young. I'm not sure she was responsible for you understanding her reasoning or intent. If she didn't do any molesting, she's off the hook from my point of view.
    The elaboration you've added just continues your emotional view about gays. I'm not saying you have no reason to form your opinion. I'm saying that it's none of my business how you view gays. It's not your business how I view astronauts. It's just not something we need to agree about.
    I don't see what you want from me? I'm not gonna validate what you're saying just to make it OK. I just don't pay attention to all this falderal about what they are doing or what chance they have of being aroused. How often are you aroused when you go to the toilet?
  • edited 05/28/2011 @ 6:04:38 AM
  • It's all pretty funny. You select to respond to elements of my response to your worries. Yeah, I guess it wouldn't gain you a whole lot by convincing me that I'm indecently exposing myself when I pee in the forest.

    The same thing goes for your decision to adhere to what 'society' has told you will be the law of the land - women deserve protection from the prospect of some man who might be interested if he were allowed to use the same facility. I guess the use of one toilet in a house won't work for you.

    I'm sorry to see how many rules you have to keep track of just to live. All of these ideas are made up by some courts that might have our best interests in mind - or maybe the court judge is also owner of the toilet manufacturing company in the area - having the law that requires two toilets at every location would benefit him.

    All of this is a waste of time for me. I just don't care about how you see gays and all the bricks in the wall validating their lives. It is funny to me when heteros hafta explain why they are so upset by what those gays do in the privacy of their bedrooms. I also don't care what you (Mr. Hetero) do in the privacy of your bedroom. Would you care to justify what you do and why you do it? It this so important to you? Do you feel under attack? Who is the gay fixating over gender? Are you labeling me a gay because of my point of view? That's pretty judgemental of you, there. How do you know my sexual preference?
  • edited 05/28/2011 @ 1:41:34 PM
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